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Playoff Attitude/Effort

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Date: 11/2/2008 11:40:40 AM
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Hey guys, once I clinched my conference which was 3-4 games ago, I started putting my players on "Take It Easy." First round of the playoffs are coming up and I want to know if I should keep it on "Playoff Normal" or "Playoff Crunch Time". This is my first season, but I would love to make it to the Finals.

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56078.2 in reply to 56078.1
Date: 11/2/2008 11:45:25 AM
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For particularly important games, including league playoff games, relegation games, and the final two rounds of the national tournament, your players will be too excited to "take it easy". In these games, the only options available are Playoff Normal, in which your team receives the enthusiasm effects of a regular Take It Easy but the effort level of a regular Normal, and Playoff Crunch Time, in which your team receives the enthusiasm effects of a regular Normal but the effort level of a regular Crunch Time.

Go with "Playoff Crunch Time." If you check the rules, Playoff Crunch Time doesn't entirely act like a regular season Crunch Time.

From: Calum

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56078.3 in reply to 56078.1
Date: 11/2/2008 4:55:05 PM
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Depends on your opponents ethusiasm really. I would imagine that he is the 4th placed team and you are a lot better and at home. I would definalty go for "Play-off Normal" becuase you can save you ethusiasm for the more difficult games ahead.

From: Jokehim

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56078.4 in reply to 56078.3
Date: 11/2/2008 5:35:17 PM
Jokehim Maniacs
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Jokehim Maniacs II
Agree with Calum. If you feel that you can win with Playoff normal you should go for that. You will then have higher enthusiasm when you play a better opponent. Of course if your team is not good enough you might go out instead but if that is the case maybe you would have failed to promote anyway.

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56078.5 in reply to 56078.4
Date: 11/2/2008 7:18:01 PM
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Ok. My Enthusiasm is currently at level 9 if that helps? So should I go with Normal?

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56078.6 in reply to 56078.5
Date: 11/2/2008 7:30:39 PM
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Ok. My Enthusiasm is currently at level 9 if that helps? So should I go with Normal?

Imagine you were playing the game you have in the regular season... and expect him to go normal... would you be able to TIE and win at home? or imagine him CTing you would this force you to go CT too or could you still normal and win....

IF you want to be very cautious and ensure to win go PO Crunchtime... but if you think that HCA and poss. higher enthusiasm (and the fact you almost certainly have a better team) means you can play normal.. I would recommend this.

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56078.7 in reply to 56078.6
Date: 11/3/2008 10:06:17 AM
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Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
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56078.8 in reply to 56078.7
Date: 11/4/2008 1:16:28 PM
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I'm going PONormal, but I don't know if he'll go playoff Crunch Time.

From: Calum

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56078.9 in reply to 56078.8
Date: 11/4/2008 5:21:51 PM
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he will if he reads this. haha.

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56078.10 in reply to 56078.9
Date: 11/4/2008 5:26:16 PM
Leones del Cinaruco
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Playing PO CT... against a PO equivalent when i have Ent lv 9 and he around 6 or 7?

From: DerMef

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56078.11 in reply to 56078.1
Date: 11/5/2008 10:40:47 AM
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You should play Playoff Normal in your second round match too. You will need your saved up enthusiasm against San Diego Crusaders!