BuzzerBeater Forums

USA - V.226 > wow are there any people here, or all bots?

wow are there any people here, or all bots?

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From: shikago
This Post:
Date: 11/18/2008 2:13:04 AM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Second Team:
MiƂwaukee Lethargy
are there any actual people here, or is it all just bots? wow, this is weird.

anyway, when i joined last season i got stuck with a 0-14 record, but went 5-3 in my only games... well didn't matter though and got sent down into the buzzerbeater abyss... i think the next new guy in my former league was given a 17-3 record to start out with... fair, right? well maybe some new people signing up will start out here. anyway good luck all... still a chance to be promoted after the bot cleanup from what i've read.

hmm it would be cool if i were the only human player ever to populate this league/division... maybe someday another unfortunate soul will be banished here and find this post, lol yes, life once existed here, well depending on how you define "life".