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Promotion Cutoff?

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From: TwoPint
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Date: 11/19/2008 10:21:05 PM
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Anyone know what the cutoff for wins by runner-ups for promotion to div. 3 was this last season? I obviously fell below the cutoff, but just curious to know what it was. Thanks.

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59550.3 in reply to 59550.2
Date: 11/20/2008 10:21:49 AM
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I was under the impression that first priority went to the losers of the championship games...and then overall record came into play once they were all promoted.

An example of this would be from season 5 of my league (IV.7). Look at season 5...Jacktown lost the championship game, yet was promoted with a 17-5 record. The New York Knuckleheads, with a 19-3 record, were not promoted.

This is inconsistent with how you described the promotions, so a clarification would be appreciated.

From: Jokehim

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59550.4 in reply to 59550.3
Date: 11/20/2008 11:39:55 AM
Jokehim Maniacs
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Jokehim Maniacs II
It is first based on at which stage you went out. Losers of division final are first teams to replace bot teams and among them the ones with best record will get promoted.

Would not make sense to me if a team with 22-0 got promoted if they lost their first playoff game. Doubt that it works like that with "Lucky losers" (as they are called in tennis) in any sport.

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59550.5 in reply to 59550.4
Date: 11/20/2008 11:59:58 AM
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Would not make sense to me if a team with 22-0 got promoted if they lost their first playoff game. Doubt that it works like that with "Lucky losers" (as they are called in tennis) in any sport.

That is how it is supposed to work.

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59550.6 in reply to 59550.5
Date: 11/20/2008 4:40:51 PM
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I don't get it I lost in the finals of iv49 yet didn'y get promoted? Do you have to win to get promoted?

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59550.7 in reply to 59550.6
Date: 11/20/2008 5:11:58 PM
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with the declining number of bot teams in the upper divisions its more likely that you will have to win your league's championship.

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59550.8 in reply to 59550.5
Date: 11/20/2008 6:38:57 PM
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Still waiting for someone to explain what happened in season 5 in my league, then...with the team with the better record not getting promoted over the team that lost in the finals.

Was there a change in the order of promotion during the last couple seasons?

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59550.9 in reply to 59550.8
Date: 11/20/2008 10:15:46 PM
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the definition in rules for this case is "next best team". Really safe way to say nothing:) But I think it is reasonable to think that the team with the best record is the next best team, at least everything in divisions (except home court in relegation games) is based on record. I would understand if from the teams with best records runner-ups would be prefered but I think the record is based on rules.