6 interesting Cypriots Players are now on Free Agent Market!
Manthos Politakis:
(6596928) ok, he's not Micheal Jordan and I know he's 22 years too, but with a respectable in outside defence and hall of famer as potential he could have a good market, don't you?
Yiorgos Gennatos:
(6839431) here we are serious, but really! 19 years old, MVP as potential. A small Shooting Guard that has to increase his Jumper. A great respectable on rebouding!
Nasos Papitzakis:
(6839436) potential star, but 19 years old for him too. I like him very much, so much so, which the horribilis second play of Cyprus (Goutis) game shape, he has played, among other things, playing very little because (according to me, and others) bug. It has beautiful skill to play Point Guard and Shooting Guard.
Agamemnonas Karamichalis:
(6839862) Power Forward with an amazing Jump Shot! 20 years old, potential star, not a crack, but counting that his team was botted, this is 6 weeks that is continuously trained in Jump Shot (so much so that you come at a considerable!). He has to be put like Power Forward and train him on Centre-Power Forward Skills (Inside shooting, Inside defense, Rebounding!)
Nakis Tompoulis:
(6839869) "dwarf" with perennial all star as potential. 20 years old, but the first 6 skills are added up 31! He will certainly not the young Tony Parker, but more of a chance to see the U21 next year if well trained.
Yiannis Varozis:
(7398399) 18 years old very interesting. Hanling is pityful, but improved with a couple of rounds of Man to Man! Playerthat I love because he starts from a respectable on passing and Outside Defence! He could became a great player for Cyprus if well trained...