A good, close game but nonetheless I want to know why....why!
(1163860)A brief synopsis: after a 1st quarter where the offence goes exactly to plan - low post - for the remainder of the game my coach has decided to go away from that system and instead follow the base offence, playing away from my teams strength, inside shooting, to a more expansive game.
I know that the game engine takes my opponents coach's defensive changes into account but in previous games, using Look Inside, my team stuck to the game plan better. Why did the coach shift the tactics from those set so much?
Furthermore, looking at the match-up ratings, the offensive tactics I picked were the right ones: my inside scoring was good (comparatively) and my team outperformed his in 4 of 5 positions. Yes, I am aware there is a random factor, but when the match-up ratings are so skewed in one teams favour, you'd expect the result to be different.
In addition, you'll note the brutal play by my PF Leon Langford (his hard fouls knocked out two of my opponent's PFs) leading to the supreme oddity of the events at 43:40 and then at 46:51, where an ejected player re-enters the game; and you'll also note the inept free-throw shooting of my squad and the quality 3pt shooting of my opponents team (I was going to use 3-2, but changed my mind).
Oh well.
Edited by The Phil (11/7/2007 1:38:24 AM CET)Last edited by LA-The Phil at 11/7/2007 1:38:24 AM