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Fan Survey Bug (thread closed)

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Date: 1/18/2009 6:22:06 AM
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I am familiar with the star players, and am not afraid that they will be transferred

In this line i had about 4 stars at the start of the season,i sold a player and it droped to 2 and half stars and got up in time for 3 and half and so but about a month ago i put a player on the transfer list and didn't sold him-the bar went down to 2 stars that ok but a month later it only goes down from 2 it went to only 1 and even half star and i didn't tryed to sell any player and again i only got 1 star in this catagory it just don't go up in time while it should go up.

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69125.2 in reply to 69125.1
Date: 1/18/2009 2:13:20 PM
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Not a bug, that is the expected behavior.


NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live