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Private league problem (thread closed)

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From: Fanega
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Date: 2/11/2009 8:48:21 PM
Wild Pride
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Groundhog Killer

We've got some problems with our private league, and we need some explanations. We are 6 teams, and we wanna play at home and away before playoffs...(manager promise he did)

The problem is that we don't play all teams. My team for example, will play 4 matches against two differents teams, 2 matches against a third team, and I never play against the other two teams...what's the reason? For the rest of the teams is the same.

League is number 2155, and the name is "Liga Forera II 2º Edición". Please have a look cause it's possible it is a "bug". We wanna cancel it and restart it, but it's imposible now.

Thank u very much.