In order to first make this post BB pertinent and to keep joose off my haunch, I think BB should throw in fictional characters now and then. Maybe they don't have to look exactly like the original, but how awesome would it be to have Tango and Cash as players, or Sam Spade, or Fletch, or Lando Calrissian? Just sayin'...
I watched Tango & Cash last night and one thing is for certain, it is the single greatest worst movie ever made. It has the best lines (FUBAR anyone) and the best supporting cast ever.
Jack Palance (nuff said)
Teri Hatcher (when she was smoking hot)
Brion James (the guy from Blade Runner, Fifth Element, Enemy Mine, Armed and dangerous, etc)
James Hong (Blade Runner, Big Trouble in Little China, Seinfeld even!)
Rob Z'Dar ( the guy with the huge jaw! Maniac Cop, and eighty million other crappy action moveis)
Lewis Arquette (Father of all the Arquettes)
Richard Fancy (Mr Lippman from Seinfled)
Michael Jeter (fruity guy with mustache from Fisher King, Waterworld, Jurassic Park 3, )
Clint Howard (Ron Howard's creepy brother)
The hobbit-like guy who freezes to death in Scrooge with Bill Murray.
I mean, the list goes on man.
Also, this movie came out in 1989. So it's technically an 80's flick which is great because it is too good for the 90s. 80s movies are like the NBBA and 90s movies are like Div.III. Seriously how can you not like this movie, or it's incredible soundtrack!?