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players salaries

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Date: 2/15/2009 6:00:44 PM
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this past week $49000 was paid for my players salaries, my player salaries total is only $39000, where did the $10000 go. My coaches salaries are accounted for and i am not scouting at this time. Any help woiul be appreciated...High Tide

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73346.2 in reply to 73346.1
Date: 2/15/2009 6:15:55 PM
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Do you have a negative balance? Could it possibly be the interest charged?

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73346.3 in reply to 73346.2
Date: 2/15/2009 6:26:30 PM
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thanks for answering my question, i'm not in the red but below 500 k so it's only 5% and need to get to 500 k in 2 weeks or i'll lose my team any suggestions or do i have enough time to stay afloat before the new season starts

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73346.4 in reply to 73346.3
Date: 2/15/2009 6:35:06 PM
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You need to be below -500k, or in the red by 500k in other words, so you shouldn't worry.

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