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From: PetraN
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Date: 2/16/2009 6:10:40 PM
Great Alexander
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I am a new player and this is my first draft. I tried to find answers to my questions in the forum but very few where answered. So here are my questions and I would be thankful for your answers that would help me understand drafts.

1) Are stars evaluation accurate? Meaning is there any chance that scouter did not evaluate correct and a 5 star draft is not as good? Or even any chance a 4 star draft would be better overall than a 5 star?

2) Is there any chance the game statistics could be misleading? Meaning a draft that had 1-12 Field shots that could actually be good scorer but happened that day was not doing good. Or on the other side a draft that had 0 fouls and 3 to 5 steals turn up that has low defence?

3) How the stars evaluate a player? As a total sum of his skills? Something like the wage is calculated or they represent something else?

4) What is the highest a skill could be in a draftee? Is there a highest- a limit? Like lets say strong could be the highest? Or you had draftees with skill higher than strong?

5) Is there a specific distribution of the different star levels of draftees or is it total random? Meaning is it specific that there will be ie. 20% of 5 stars, 25% of 4 stars, 25% of 3 stars etc.? And if yes from your experience can you guess aprox this distribution?

6) If there is specific distribution do all leagues divisions get the same(ie. league division IV.15 and league division IV.20)? or some leagues divisions get more lucky and could get better players (or worst)? And extending the question do higher league levels get a chance for better players (ie. league II.2 and league IV.15)?

7) Is a 5 stars draftee from one division (ie.IV.15) the same quality with a 5 star draftee from another division (ie IV.10)

I think these are enough questions since I dont a have a clue how to chose the draft order.

Thank you.

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73467.2 in reply to 73467.1
Date: 2/16/2009 6:16:06 PM
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These are excellent questions, Petra! I am certainly not an expert, so I will answer only #4. To my knowledge, draftees do not ever have a skill above respectable except in free throws (where I've seen a strong). However my draftees are usually pitiful in FT:-). Good luck in your draft!

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73467.3 in reply to 73467.1
Date: 2/16/2009 6:29:35 PM
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I'm certainly not an expert either, but I'll answer the best I can.

1) Well the stars are an "initial evaluation of the players skills". So they are general and I'm assuming that they might be inaccurate a bit, because if not there would be no point to grade ratings.

2) Yes, very much so. The boxscore could be from a bad game they had, or a good one. Maybe against a weak opponent, or a hard one. So don't trust boxscores and I know that for sure.

3) Basically his skill levels compared to other draftees.

4) I don't know but Pappy's probably right.

5) I don't think so. People are always saying this year was a bad draft or a good draft. So I think there's no specific distribution, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.

6) I don't know about higher level leagues getting better or worse, sorry mate.

7) Well obviously they'll be of slight different quality, but in general they should be approximately the same.

I hope this has been helpful, cheers mate!

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73467.5 in reply to 73467.4
Date: 2/16/2009 7:35:12 PM
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Cool, I didn't know that.

This Post:
73467.6 in reply to 73467.3
Date: 2/17/2009 12:26:15 AM
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So would you draft a 4* player who had a horrible stat line (30 minutes, 8 TOs, no points, 1 Reb for a Center) over a 2* player who had a very good stat line for his position?

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73467.7 in reply to 73467.6
Date: 2/17/2009 7:23:14 AM
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Yes, because those 4 stars are a initial judgment on the quality of the players skill levels. As I said games are very inconsistent.

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73467.8 in reply to 73467.4
Date: 2/17/2009 8:19:23 AM
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There definitely is a specific distribution of the probability that a draft player has a certain number of stars. This distribution is the same across league levels.

And here's why koz knows it: (40492.8).

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73467.9 in reply to 73467.8
Date: 2/18/2009 4:49:33 PM
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Hi all,

this is my 3rd draft and Im still not sure what the best ranking is for the players I scouted.
f.e. I have three 4 * with 4 * Potential and I have three 5 * with 3 *Potential... (all are 18 or 19 y)
So I asked myself who should I pick first?
Normally I would say I go with the guys who have more potential but as I saw in the last seasons a Potential of 'all star' is quite enough to train a good player.

In the end I decided to pick a 5 */ 3 * Potential player who fits in my training concept first and then pick the players with 4* Potential to sell on the transfer market. because there a high potential really matters and managers pay a lot more for someone who has superstar potenial.

Its all up to if you have the luck and scout a great player who fits in your trainings concept I think. If not its the best you try to sell the players with the highest potential and buy a decent trainee.

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73467.10 in reply to 73467.1
Date: 2/20/2009 3:34:59 PM
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Hi Petra,

A response to #2:

I am not an expert and I had until now 2 drafts, but I had the luck to always have exactly the players I expected (not 100% but still pretty good).

And I do check their stats. Of course it's also important how long they played in the match but in general I think you can read more in the stats than most of the guys here believe. If you need an excellent shooter right away I think it is not a good idea to go for a 1-13 shooter, just because he has high potential. On the other hand, if you look longterm you should concentrate on the potential to have the best results.

From: PetraN
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73467.11 in reply to 73467.10
Date: 2/23/2009 4:17:11 PM
Great Alexander
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I want to thank you all for your help.
I got my drafts and its not what I expected but I am new and did not have too much time to invest it seems. Next season now