1) Who I am?
I play this game since season 2. I have a lot of experienced friends ready to help me in this challenge. They are experienced both in the game and in NT organisation.
I'm in III.12. the most difficult III in Italy (check the salaries).
2) Community
Community will be the very important part of the project. I need community support for organise and for report the players. The most importan thing will be communication. No secret for the community. Live talk about the games, the players, open to suggestion and also critics.
As already I said there are great experienced managers who will help me, but I'm sure I'll need the help of one or two or three of you. Because i think you know your players and your knowledge will be very important.
4) Raising project.
We need managers who help the NT players. There will be interaction between us and the player owners, we'll talk about the best training. We know you first thought will be the best for your team, but we can reach an agreement.
There will be something like a "save interesting (young) players". We can use the biggest BB community (Italy) for raise the players without owners or on sale by actual owner. In italian forum we can advertise the important players, there will be surely someone interested to train them (there are V series so every level could be interesting to train and raise).
That doesn't mean "Italians manage our country". YOU are the first core of Malta players, italian community can help to keep alive those important player in dead team.
I know you maybe trust more in iceland manager, but it's your choice, no problem about that.
Obviusly I can't promise the World cup, but I think we can make the first steps to become a raising star.