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Giving Players a Number

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From: SpF
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Date: 2/25/2009 9:00:22 PM
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Hey, When I first started on BuzzerBeater I would click on roster and then a player and then select his number, now however I can't seem to find this. Can anyone help me out and tell me where its at now?

From: Endophein

To: SpF
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77088.2 in reply to 77088.1
Date: 2/25/2009 9:10:15 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
When you sign up first you get three weeks of "supporter" feature which costs money after a few weeks after you sign up.

So basically now that your supporter feature ran out you cant change the numbers anymore. This totally happened to too a few weeks ago when mine ran out

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77088.3 in reply to 77088.2
Date: 2/26/2009 8:38:14 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

the free supportership at the start of everyone's career is to let them know what the features of this Supportership realy are, and they can experience it.

Then they can decide better if they like it enough to purchase it, or opt to just play without it.

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