This is too much i am sick of technical wins. in 2 days i have "played" 2 games that ended up with my technical win. and now check this out:
(11096152) Is there anybody who can explain this to me? I will be greatfull becose i have LOST 12´ of training for each post!!!! why i have to suffer just becose there is a bot in my league? i am very looking forward to get answers and dont tell me it is ok becose it is not.
No2: my yesterdays NT match
(5332)looks ok isnt it?
But this was my setup:
PG: starter Okruhlanský (16´) backup Stefranko (18´) reserve Rodzenak (30´)
SG: starter Tesarík ( 27´) backup Stefranko again and reserve Rodzenak again
SF: starter Sopko (26´) backup Cuchral (21´) reserve Kozlej (13´)
so is this ok for you?
as i found out it use to generate minutes like this: 36´starters, 10´backups and 2´reserves..
whatever was the cause of NT i am very very nervous about losing my 12 minutes of training each post...
i hate technical wins btw.please no more suffering becose of somebody else
1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching