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TIE and gaining enthusiasm

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Date: 3/31/2009 6:47:33 PM
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I apologize if this is covered elsewhere -- I try to do my homework, but I don't recall this specific question being considered:

I just found out the relationship between Taking It Easy and increasing enthusiasm. With increasing enthusiasm comes better play. My question is: how much of a hit in performance does Taking It Easy do to a team? Do the starters coast, but the bench play hard? Is everyone off 10%? Is this one of those questions where there are too many other variables (home court, opponents' quality and tactics) to answer?

To put it another way -- I have been winning games by an average of, say, 15 - 20 points a game. Would TIE have resulted in none / a couple / several / all of those games becoming defeats?

I've got some tough opponents coming up, and it would have been nice if my boys had had some extra enthusiasm for the matches.

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83844.2 in reply to 83844.1
Date: 3/31/2009 7:18:21 PM
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you lose a little bit in all categories, but especially RB. I think if you are winning by 20, then they would be closer (5-10) for a couple games until you get to 10 or so then they will be 20 again

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83844.3 in reply to 83844.2
Date: 4/1/2009 9:21:18 PM
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Ok you said once it got to ten or there about that his wins would go back to normal. So are you saying that with an enthusiasm of ten if you play tie that You're basically playing normal with an enthusiasm of 5? Did i understand that right?

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83844.4 in reply to 83844.3
Date: 4/1/2009 9:50:42 PM
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that's about what I've heard

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83844.5 in reply to 83844.3
Date: 4/2/2009 11:37:13 AM
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Ok you said once it got to ten or there about that his wins would go back to normal. So are you saying that with an enthusiasm of ten if you play tie that You're basically playing normal with an enthusiasm of 5? Did i understand that right?

I have heard it is somewhere around a shift of 4, but it isnt official or anything, it could be 5. If you had an enth of 10 and TIE and your opponent has an enth of 5 and norm, you may still have a very slight enthusiasm edge. This becomes very effective when you do play a tough opponent and play normal vs his normal. It then acts similar to if you had crunch timed him in effect, without the devastating effect on your enthusiasm.