i can imagine that pressing trains diffrent skills, e.g. like inside defence... but i've been pretty good at predicting pops lately and would have really really expected Timo Heigel to get that OD pop, because he received single training pressing for quite some time now and usually he pops after 2 weeks. Plus my other player got the exact same pop - is there no chance, that my team received 1vs1 training instead of pressing? or is there no way that could happen?
it's not like i just started playing this game, just to point out, that it's really odd tbh.
plus, your link clearly states:
Trains OD @ 2 weeks
Trains ID @ 8+
Trains HN @ 8+
Trains DV @ 8+
That's exactly what i've experienced aswell over a long time of training Pressing with single training on PG.
Last edited by shades236 at 4/3/2009 11:32:31 AM