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A Fan Survey Question?

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From: SpF
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Date: 4/5/2009 9:12:40 AM
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In the fan survey, one of the questions is I am familiar with the star players and aren't afraid of trading them. So do my fans really want me to trade my star players??? and y? there basically what makes my team run.

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84511.2 in reply to 84511.1
Date: 4/5/2009 2:54:23 PM
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No. You should not trade your star players. The fans want them to stay. You get more basketballs if you trade less in general. I at least think so...

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84511.3 in reply to 84511.1
Date: 4/5/2009 3:10:04 PM
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No it's the other way around.

The fans like your allstars and prefer them to stay, unless it's really needed to sell them to improve your team. If you got a high rating in the 'familiar with star players' part, the fans are happy that you don't sell your star players. If you got a low rating there they think you are selling your best players too much and they want you to keep the keyplayers longer