hi there,
in addition to the very useful points s.bock gave you, some more things to think about:
i don't know about your financial status, but an investment in scouting might be interesting for you, because you probably won't finish with a very good record in your first season, so you will get a nice draftpick.
be very careful with buying players. in my experience many new managers waste a lot of money on new players, because they focus on the wrong things, especially potential.
for you it might be a good idea to buy trainees with a potential from "role player" to "star". they will be pretty cheap, because in my opinion many managers overrate potential, but you will still be able to train them for at least one season (which i think is enough for your first group of trainees).
as you are an experienced hattrick manager, this might be important:
on the stratigic level, buzzerbeater is very similiar to hattrick, i.e. focus on the long-term development of your team, especiallly training.
the game engine however works totally differnt than in hattrick. the teamratings give you a good understanding of the overall strength of the two teams that played, but they are not important for the calculation of the game result. who wins a game is in my opinion especially determined my the tactic, the effort and the individual matchups of the players. so it will sometimes be hard for a new player to understand game results, but you will get used to it :-D
very important, but incredibly difficult to understand for a new manager i guess. i would suggest, you read the rules and try to build on those information, but a real understanding of that part of the game will only come by experience.
if you ever want to discuss tactics for an upcoming match, feel free to send me a private message with your questions and ideas, because i think doing this publicly wouldn't be wise, because your opponent might read that.
most important point:
enjoy the game and stay with it :-)
the scottish community sure could use more members.
Last edited by Daniel_1984 at 4/9/2009 5:41:12 PM