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The strategy

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From: buggy
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Date: 12/2/2007 2:11:46 PM
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Hi, I did win only one of 13 matches, so I think I am doing something wrong.
I am usually playing Base offense and Man to man and maybe some other tactics are better.
My team is quite poor, however I trained stamina for number of weeks and it seems to be good. Now I turned to inside scoring.

Please advise what strategy is good if I have a good stamina and improving the inside skills... Also is anywhere some list of the pros and cons for each of the strategies?

Edited by buggy (12/2/2007 3:11:46 PM CET)

Last edited by buggy at 12/2/2007 3:11:46 PM

From: Newton07

This Post:
8861.2 in reply to 8861.1
Date: 12/2/2007 2:54:10 PM
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It is quite difficult to give suggestions without seeing your players skills... and I hope some more experienced guy will offer to be your tutor.

Your rooster is pretty poor. You probably don't need most of your red-hair players (it's a strange coincidence that they all have the lower salaries) :)
And you definitely need a PF!

You should study the 'box score' of your games and see in which sectors you are worse than your opponents.
From a quick glance I see that you are both really poor at rebounding and in defense (you concede too many free throws).
I see you have a fine young center, but lack a good power forward. You should try to buy one and train him and the center in rebounding and ID (check their skills first of course).
Also playing 2-3 defense would help in that sense, but you ALWAYS have to look at your opponent's previous games in order to chose the most appropriate tactic.

Hope this helps

From: buggy

This Post:
8861.3 in reply to 8861.2
Date: 12/2/2007 3:01:41 PM
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Thank you for great info. I will try adjust my tactics/training. However I am not sure which of tactics is effective against the other.
The list with each tactic pros & cons + recommended against would help.... Does anybody have some?

From: Shay

This Post:
8861.4 in reply to 8861.3
Date: 12/3/2007 4:02:26 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
take a look at the rules...

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