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What do these train?

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From: johny13
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Date: 8/26/2007 10:21:50 AM
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For most training options it is clear what skills are concerned. But does anyone know what happens with these?

pressure: (outside defense?)
ono on one:?
outside shooting: (only jump range?)

And something strange that happened to me, a player who did not play any minute got an arrow!! I thought you had to play in order to benefit from training?

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899.2 in reply to 899.1
Date: 8/26/2007 11:31:42 AM
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team training ignores time so guesing you were on stamina or free throws?

only one of those 3 I know of is outside shooting does jump range yes but also jump shooting

pressure like you I assume is defense

one on one could well be very minor training all round?

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899.3 in reply to 899.2
Date: 8/26/2007 4:31:48 PM
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one on one could well be very minor training all round?

My guess is that, or it gives more Driving, since driving is described on the rules as the ability to create your own shot, without any pass from a teammate, and that's precisely what you have to do on a One-on-One game.

But we need someone that trains this to confirm what this really is.

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899.4 in reply to 899.3
Date: 8/26/2007 6:07:59 PM
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Got a Pop from traing one on one in Driving.

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899.5 in reply to 899.2
Date: 8/27/2007 9:35:10 PM
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yes you're correct, I was on stamina...