Hello to the BuzzerBeater community!
First of all, I would like to say that I am not a huge Twitter user, in fact, I hardly ever go on it but now that I think about it, this could be a great way to help the BB community develop and grow even more.
For those of you that don't know, twitter.com is a social networking website where you can let everyone know what you are up to by "tweeting". This is very similar to the status updates on Facebook.
How could using Twitter be helpful for BuzzerBeater players?
Well, first of all and most importantly, we could attract more people to join and play the game as anyone around the world could be reading your "tweets". Other useful uses could also be advertising players on the transfer list, telling other what your team is up to or just showing everyone other interesting games, statistics or players in the game.
Additionally, BuzzerBeater developers could create their own twitter account to let us know about the future plans or announcements about the game.
If you are already a Twitter user and don't want to mix your private life with the game, you could create a new account onto which you would log in just to hear about the BuzzerBeater news.
To register an account, please go to this link:
https://twitter.com/signupRegistration is free and very easy.
Let me know what you think about this idea and if it could be useful for us.
My account on Twitter is:
https://twitter.com/majlajboysI made a new one and named it same as my team in BuzzerBeater just to make it easier for everyone else.
I'm here if you have any questions.