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Malaysia - III.4 > Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program

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From: KwaiWah
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Date: 5/23/2009 5:18:54 AM
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Hello to everyone in Div III. James here. I am starting a mentorship program (myself) and hoping to help all Malaysian managers to start up in BB and avoid the common pitfalls which befall a lot of Malaysian managers which mostly ends up in them losing interest in the game.

You can refer this mentorship program in the BBMalaysia forum as below:

The objective of this mentorship program is to:
1. Improve the current level of play in Malaysia
2. Increase the amount of Malaysian players in BB (Currently it is stagnant as the new managers are often offset by managers leaving)
3. Contribute to the Malaysia NT. U21 for the short term and automatically NT for the long term
4. Increase the amount of good malaysia players in the market (Good Malaysian players in the Transfer list is hard to come by)

Anyway, feel free to send a private message to me or post in this forum and I will be glad to help you in any way I can. I am not in the Div I/MBBA (yet) as I am still relatively new (Joined in December 2008), however I did make a few mistakes and know what are the common mistakes often made by new players. I am not guaranteeing a position in the MBBA but am guaranteeing that your team's level of play will significantly improve.

ps. I am also trying to get the Malaysia NT manager and U21 NT manager to contribute into this mentorship program

From: jowie

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91136.2 in reply to 91136.1
Date: 6/13/2009 11:09:56 PM
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From: Fuze

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91136.3 in reply to 91136.1
Date: 11/28/2010 12:45:42 AM
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