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DMI 0 (thread closed)

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Date: 6/4/2009 10:12:36 PM
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I won a bid on a player that looked really good but when i won the big it said his DMI is 0. Need help. was it only a bad pick?

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94611.2 in reply to 94611.1
Date: 6/4/2009 10:16:38 PM
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wat is DMI anyways is a rating of how good a player is over all. how do u no if a player is good

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94611.3 in reply to 94611.1
Date: 6/4/2009 10:20:09 PM
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All players just drafted have a DMI of 0.

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94611.4 in reply to 94611.3
Date: 6/4/2009 11:12:06 PM
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so DMI doesnt mean really anything

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94611.6 in reply to 94611.5
Date: 6/6/2009 4:19:44 AM
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then why not remove DMI from a player?

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94611.7 in reply to 94611.6
Date: 6/6/2009 12:26:52 PM
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althought DMI stands for "Deliberately Meaningless Index" I use it when training players. Switching between inside and outside player the group that has the highest DMI seems to train the fastest. when they are not being trained their DMI grows and when they are trained it drops quite a bit. So I like to use it as a guage

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94611.8 in reply to 94611.7
Date: 6/6/2009 4:04:11 PM
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Ever heard about game shape?

DMI reflect sum of quality of skills - the higher skills the better DMI but multipled by constant depending on Game shape (including sublevels). That's why you can recive training and your dmi drops (because your game shape worsen a bit. DMI serves as rough indicator that players already received training (albeit didn't pop) that week.

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94611.10 in reply to 94611.9
Date: 6/6/2009 7:12:25 PM
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technically its not supposed to be called meaningless if it means something what do you think??

i mean it is not a random value. so what does high DMI mean and what does low DMI mean. how can a lot of people use it as a gauge if it doesn't mean anything.
