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BB Global (English) > Entrance tax off 10%

Entrance tax off 10% (thread closed)

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From: NasYoun
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Date: 6/6/2009 1:24:52 PM
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I though this tax will be deleted for D.I

in french : " Dans les autres nouvelles, le partage de 10 % des revenus en Division I a eu l'effet désiré et sera par conséquent supprimé comme promis à la fin de la saison "

But, i can see it on my economy today.
I played and earn 386.232$
but i have only 347.608$ in bank.

386.232 - 38.623 ( 10% of 386.232 ) = 347.009$

So, is that normal or just a bug ?
or it will be deleted at the end of season 9 ?

From: Thijs

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95074.2 in reply to 95074.1
Date: 6/6/2009 1:32:44 PM
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Please use this thread (94976.1) in the Bugs, bugs, bugs forum.