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Switching Training Mid-Week

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Date: 6/17/2009 12:07:15 AM
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I'm training rebounding on my two young postmen and they both acheived their 48 minutes already but we have one more game this week. The best players to train now is a PG/SG with Perennial All Star potential, a SG/SF with Star Potential and another SF with All Star potential.

If I switch the training to say, Outside Defense (or whatever it's called) mid-week, will my two interior postmen that achieved their minutes lose their training they received on rebounding? I'm afraid to switch the training for that very reason and it'd suck if it's true.

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97434.2 in reply to 97434.1
Date: 6/17/2009 5:07:09 AM
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If I switch the training to say, Outside Defense (or whatever it's called) mid-week, will my two interior postmen that achieved their minutes lose their training they received on rebounding?

thats right, but you also win the training for the guys who play on the guard spots the games before ;)

training is just calculated on friday, based on the actual training and the minutes you have in those week. So you could make adjustment to training after your last game if necessary.

PS: I would buy some players for a training concept, so that your best trainee play on position you could train together.

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97434.3 in reply to 97434.2
Date: 6/17/2009 9:19:28 AM
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Yeah, that's what I did. I already have great perimeter shooters and I needed some help on the interior with rebounding and interior defense. Picked me up two young players with MVP and Perennial All Star potential and been trying to work them both on their rebounding so they'll be the stars in the future ... hopefully.

Well, that almost sucks then. I was hoping to be able to train rebounding with these two guys and then switch to something for my SG with PAS potential but since that's not the case, I'll just keep focus on the two interior guys. They receive their 48 minutes every week as it is since I start one and the other receives plenty of minutes being the primary back up at the PF and C spot.

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97434.5 in reply to 97434.4
Date: 6/17/2009 2:55:07 PM
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Yeah, I've got two young high potential postmen that I picked up on the TL.

One final question, I hope:

Under the training menu, you can select different skills to train, obviously. Anyways, I noticed that not one time did I see the PF or SF have any option where they receive individualized training. The Center, PG, and SG all receive individual love.

So I want to train Rebounding but let's just say I've designated the training goes towards the Center and not the C/PF.

Under Weekly Stats, you'll see that some players receive time under multiple positions. For example, my starting PF receives time as the Center as well. If he plays 23 minutes at PF, and 25 minutes at C, he won't reaped the benefits of training because he didn't receive 48 minutes at C, right? That means, it's best to train C/PF so that he receives the full 48 minutes. Am I correct?

Another example: A guy that BB says should be a SF plays primarily as my backup PG and usually plays 48 minutes each week at PG. Let's say I decide to train him in Passing for PG's only. Somehow he plays 46 minutes at PG and 37 minutes at SF, he still wouldn't receive the full training in Passing because I selected PG only and he only played 46 minutes as a PG even though he played a total of 83 minutes for that week.

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97434.6 in reply to 97434.5
Date: 6/17/2009 3:04:36 PM
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If he plays 23 minutes at PF, and 25 minutes at C, he won't reaped the benefits of training because he didn't receive 48 minutes at C, right?

Correct, he will only receive 25mins worth of RB training for that week. It does not equate to 25/48 of maximum training for that week though, it will be a bit less than that.

That means, it's best to train C/PF so that he receives the full 48 minutes. Am I correct?

This is up to you. Training single positions will get the maximum results in a shorter time, but obviously it limits the number of players that can be trained effectively in any given week. Training more allows you to train more players, but the speed of training slows a bit.

Somehow he plays 46 minutes at PG and 37 minutes at SF, he still wouldn't receive the full training in Passing because I selected PG only and he only played 46 minutes as a PG even though he played a total of 83 minutes for that week.

Again correct, he will receive 46mins worth of P training, which is again slightly less that 46/48 of max training for that week.

Hope that helps.

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97434.7 in reply to 97434.6
Date: 6/17/2009 5:23:04 PM
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If he plays 23 minutes at PF, and 25 minutes at C, he won't reaped the benefits of training because he didn't receive 48 minutes at C, right?

Correct, he will only receive 25mins worth of RB training for that week. It does not equate to 25/48 of maximum training for that week though, it will be a bit less than that.

Rebound training is always for PF/C or even more players. So his player will receive full training.

Your answer is correct, if he's training e.g. IS for C only.

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97434.8 in reply to 97434.7
Date: 6/17/2009 5:26:27 PM
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Shows how long it's been since I trained RB :)

But yeah, it was to illustrate the point more than anything.