No don't give in. Starting to compile this information could be invaluable. I am in my first season and have done 1, 2 and 3 position training, trained bigs and smalls, in other words I had no idea at all what I was doing for most of the season. It was also hard because while I eventually settled on guard 2 position training my starting PG is a 30 year old bench warmer - but he is an original player and I have a sentimental attachment to him.
The crucial thing I would like to get a feel for is the total number of pops per season in one position versus two position training. Sure there will be lots of variation with people doing all sorts of strange stuff but with a large sample it should even out the kinks.
Possibly someone already knows this but what I would like to hear is something like "level 5 trainer one position training three trainees 30 pops per season 10 per player, level 5 trainer two position training six trainees 40 pops per season 6-7 per player." Does anyone know?