My staff did another wonderful job to me, analyzing all last 4 seasons drafts in MBBA and all II series. This is a preliminary task, as it does not include III series draftees, as Abdul bid Dahlan, filters above a given potential, and is based on sometime misleading salaries, and will be followed by a full check, including III series draftees and one by one calling & checking, if I will be elected (otherwise it will be in charge of new coach).
This task has three main purposes:
1) gaining a rough understanding of the roster we could have at the start. It is not much precise, as being based only on salaries, but give some good idea of where Malaysia will start from
2) understand how training patterns were, and which could be urgent changes
3) set the basis for further analysis of qualification round for matches planning
Here I post analysis, in next post the comments.
Excluding III series draftees, as bin Dahlan or Abd Rahman, already in Malaysia U21 roster, these are top three in salary that I would check first:
(age, salary, name)
PG's: We can add bin Dahlan on top to the list. We can say that we have just two PG's, one (bin Dahlan) 21 old. The other are definitely unlikely to be called at the beginning: better in fact a SG with some decent secondaries than a poor all around PG. I hope that salaries not only depends on DR and HN, but also on JS, OD, JR and PA

to be checked.
20 $19,784.00 Mohd Shahrul bin Saidi
19 $7,693.00 Mohd Zulfakri bin Yusuf
20 $6,749.00 Muhd bin Ali
SGBetter here in numbers, but not so happy. I know well my Seretse Netshivhazwaulu in South Africa, more a well trained PG than a SG, and "our" Malaysian cannot be better, unfortunately. As training SG is not so hard, we have some potential to grow. It is hard to think to confirm currently called Amrie bin Abd Rahman, 11K$ in salary.
20 $16,767 Suhaizi Osman
21 $14,419 Irwandy bin Mohd Hanifa
20 $14,157 Musa Abd Majid
SFThis is intriguing and could even be promising. It is almost impossible to predict skills of a SF based on salary, as this is the most complex role. However, we could have here some SG with good secondaries.
21 $18,553 Ungku Ismail bin Salleh
21 $17,812 Hao Cong
20 $17,468 AP Mohd Shahrul bin Mohd Zain
PFThis is a little drama. Malaysia has no PF. To give you a reference, in South Africa Chisiza (14K$) has 44 as IS+ID+RB, and Mahabane (19K$) 45. These player cannot compete even against them.
18 $7,724 Zulkiflee bin Abu Bakar
19 $7,685 Norizam bin Abu Samah
20 $7,051 Hahi bin Askolani
CHere story is a little better, hoping that SB has not much impact on these players' salaries and their backups. Having enough mass, there is room to work.
21 $35,087.00 C Shaiful Bahri bin Dani
21 $23,368.00 C Ahmad Shaharuddin bin Shahrum
21 $20,047.00 C Ashaari bin Che Omar