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National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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158829.10 in reply to 158829.9
Date: 10/9/2010 4:11:17 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
My pleasure.

It would not be very nice if a GM would delete all but speeches, loosing valuable questions.

They usually don't delete them I think, since it has happened before. But if there are too many post Joose will step in...

Ah, election times are always for misplaced posts. You should have seen the time when we had candidates posting their speech in other threads

Every election shows nice misplacements.

In Italy there are many speeches and debates and questions on the wrong threads: we have now about 15 candidates, were only few have experience, others are newbies with a lot of enthousiasm and less understanding of the game

yesterday I notice GM's entering in many countries' debates and deleting misplaced messages. I am looking/contributing to discussions in other African and Asian countries where, for one reason or the others, I spend some time in the forums, and it happened suddenly yesterday as here. It is as usual, as mentioned.

at the end, the answers in the right thread saved the questions

This Post:
158829.12 in reply to 158829.11
Date: 10/10/2010 8:28:38 AM
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Second Team:
Wow, that's a lot of candidates. I love it when a lot of candidates are running. Just look at all the drama and controversies and finger pointing and accusing like some soap opera.. But looks like it's just the 2 of us here. At least I don't have to argue with anyone lol.

:) if you could read Italian you could enjoy! there is a candidate, now in short list, whose only speech is "I will put my heart" -.- in a country with 5K users, that is 15K draftees per season (!), and which minimum result are WC semifinals, heart is not enough... but he never added anything. There is a great candidate anyway, I hope he'll win.

and I hope we are both in the short list. Any news about it? In Italy there are now just 5 runners, so cut was done.

here I cannot control who are running and if we are both (you surely, me I don't know) in last run.

This Post:
158829.14 in reply to 158829.13
Date: 10/10/2010 12:09:13 PM
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... and it is the first time I see a debate without any flame. It is a nice thing! :-) In Ghana, where I'm running for my second mandate, aggressiveness is popping up again... :-(

Good luck to Malaysia and to the new coach, whoever he will be! :-)

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158829.15 in reply to 158829.14
Date: 10/10/2010 12:14:30 PM
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prob because there hasn't been much debate: P

This Post:
158829.16 in reply to 158829.13
Date: 10/10/2010 12:32:49 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Hahaha... That's a lot of enthusiasm. I wonder if anyone will bombard him with any questions.

I didn't know there's any elimination round in the elections. If you mean how many candidates are written off by the community, you'll have to ask the other managers about their opinion. This is the first election where I can't foresee the result and there hasn't been any kind of discussion...

and there was some post anyway!

in South Africa 2 seasons ago, me and other candidates asked for questions... without success

yes, there is an elimination round, that sould leave all candidates voted and in top 5 and/or with some other rule (it should be written in election thread, but at the moment I am lazy ). It should have happened already, according to what I saw in Italy (it is 3 days before the closure). May be we'll see something tomorrow, as our "personal" threads (one per each "saved" candidate) have not been opened yet.

questions would be nice anyway!

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158829.18 in reply to 158829.17
Date: 10/10/2010 12:55:31 PM
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Second Team:
Lol ok I saw it already. I always thought they mysteriously disappeared

you did!? I am checking elsewhere and noticed nothing... probably lost in the move?!

This Post:
158829.19 in reply to 158829.1
Date: 10/10/2010 6:11:38 PM
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Second Team:
My staff did another wonderful job to me, analyzing all last 4 seasons drafts in MBBA and all II series. This is a preliminary task, as it does not include III series draftees, as Abdul bid Dahlan, filters above a given potential, and is based on sometime misleading salaries, and will be followed by a full check, including III series draftees and one by one calling & checking, if I will be elected (otherwise it will be in charge of new coach).

This task has three main purposes:

1) gaining a rough understanding of the roster we could have at the start. It is not much precise, as being based only on salaries, but give some good idea of where Malaysia will start from
2) understand how training patterns were, and which could be urgent changes
3) set the basis for further analysis of qualification round for matches planning

Here I post analysis, in next post the comments.

Excluding III series draftees, as bin Dahlan or Abd Rahman, already in Malaysia U21 roster, these are top three in salary that I would check first:

(age, salary, name)
We can add bin Dahlan on top to the list. We can say that we have just two PG's, one (bin Dahlan) 21 old. The other are definitely unlikely to be called at the beginning: better in fact a SG with some decent secondaries than a poor all around PG. I hope that salaries not only depends on DR and HN, but also on JS, OD, JR and PA to be checked.
20 $19,784.00 Mohd Shahrul bin Saidi
19 $7,693.00 Mohd Zulfakri bin Yusuf
20 $6,749.00 Muhd bin Ali

Better here in numbers, but not so happy. I know well my Seretse Netshivhazwaulu in South Africa, more a well trained PG than a SG, and "our" Malaysian cannot be better, unfortunately. As training SG is not so hard, we have some potential to grow. It is hard to think to confirm currently called Amrie bin Abd Rahman, 11K$ in salary.
20 $16,767 Suhaizi Osman
21 $14,419 Irwandy bin Mohd Hanifa
20 $14,157 Musa Abd Majid

This is intriguing and could even be promising. It is almost impossible to predict skills of a SF based on salary, as this is the most complex role. However, we could have here some SG with good secondaries.
21 $18,553 Ungku Ismail bin Salleh
21 $17,812 Hao Cong
20 $17,468 AP Mohd Shahrul bin Mohd Zain

This is a little drama. Malaysia has no PF. To give you a reference, in South Africa Chisiza (14K$) has 44 as IS+ID+RB, and Mahabane (19K$) 45. These player cannot compete even against them.
18 $7,724 Zulkiflee bin Abu Bakar
19 $7,685 Norizam bin Abu Samah
20 $7,051 Hahi bin Askolani

Here story is a little better, hoping that SB has not much impact on these players' salaries and their backups. Having enough mass, there is room to work.
21 $35,087.00 C Shaiful Bahri bin Dani
21 $23,368.00 C Ahmad Shaharuddin bin Shahrum
21 $20,047.00 C Ashaari bin Che Omar

This Post:
158829.20 in reply to 158829.19
Date: 10/10/2010 6:12:55 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Comments to previous post:

In summary, Malaysia is without properly called PF's and with a minimal roster in PG's. If other roles will be covered as expected, it will be an anomalous team, with a probable tendence to play better inside.

The good news are that some players could come out of III series draftees (we have at least an example) and that there is enough mass to start intensive, monorole training programs. In fact, having many managers that could be stimulated on that, some will surely proceed on the right, fast way, with some recovery of gaps this season, and a far better situation by end of mandate.

2) training patterns
it is crystal clear that the mass of players had far than optimal trainings, i.e. multi vs monorole. Although this could look like better for a team, it is not - otherwise I would not have climbed to II series from V. Not counting III series draftees, we have more SG's with potential 6 or above than the overall amount of PG's+SG's with potential 3 or above so there is an impressive potential to be deployed. Scouting will be much more critical than expected - and could bring better results.

3) scheduling analysis
it's in progress. I would not put anyway anything here. It is too early (first, we have to check which actual skills players have), and I would not like to tell much to Malaysia's opponents.
