What an ill-considered comment.
You neither know me well enough to judge as to whether the comment was facetious or serious, nor know the quality of our draft. Or even check as to how long I've been playing (thus, how much scouting I was able to do).
Let me help you.
1. The comment was entirely tongue-in-cheek. I thought that was obvious.
2. The quality of the Japan II.1 draft was considered to be pretty damn poor. The guy I took was generally accepted to be the consensus #1.
3. I joined just a few days prior to the last game of the season. I had very little time to scout... and quiet honestly the $$ would have been better spent by taking someone off the transfer list. However... we're not to know that before time, huh...
Some advice if I may? Perhaps subscribe to the "Thumper Theory"
http://with-malice.com/ - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan