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The Importance of Shot-Blocking

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From: CrazyEye

This Post:
201348.11 in reply to 201348.10
Date: 11/5/2011 1:09:36 PM
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Does that mean very low SB can disrupt training of your other inside skills?

that was also the case before, but now the training get more "random" through it too.

From: Koperboy

This Post:
201348.12 in reply to 201348.10
Date: 11/7/2011 7:45:16 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
The bigger difference between primary-trained skill and cross-trained skill, the bigger % of CT goes to cross-trained skill.

So let's say you have a player with 6 guard skills at 10 and 4 inside skills on 1 and you are training OD. If CT chooses an inside skill (save ID which is a secondary OD training), 85% of training will go to OD and 15% will go into that inside skill. However, if CT choosses a guard skill (in this case either JS, JR or PA), OD will train on 98% speed and 2% will go to that CT skill.

% numbers are from the top of my head of course and are there just to illustrate the point.