TPE is not precise. We can't force a value upon a player as market vary during the season and over seasons.
It should not vary more than 20% between seasons.
It varies due to luck, and not due to need.
ok then you make exact prices for all (10^7)*11 möglichkeiten,thats a number with 8 zero and that only for draft. When you think you could avoid TPE, with fixed prices, and that they are easy to implement.
No. Bargaining is one of the games features to a point.
It should not be fixed, but should vary around normal values.
"Amazingly", this what happens in the real world. The price is not fixed, but you would not pay triple (for example) as much for a player.
The price of a player will be upon the estimation already are part of the game, with some additional calculation to give a very rough value to those type of players who had not been estimated until now.
It varies due to luck, and not due to need.
it also varies through needs, let you tell you this from someone who have experience there was always be trends on the TL.
A need who is not proportional to the player value means something fishy is going on.
In any case, cases of earning money due to ignorance of new users who are not familiar yet with the game should be eliminated.
I do not see in any league a case where a team buys a player with a value that just not correlate to the players market's value.
Remark (as I know you), player's value is not his actual skills in the real world, but what a player with his resume currently earns.
This is not a dice game... it is BB managing game (I feel that I need to repeat this kind of explanation with you).
and is it not a mathematical formula, how you had to play it right.
See above.
Basicaly you ask it to be a dice game.
This type of luck (as I said) is part of a real draft. Assesment is not always working.
could you decide yourself finally?
There is just no connection so this "attack" attempt is foolish.
The game is not about luck, and new users ignorance of the game.
The draft is about an assesment, which is not always right.
Both are definitions of the game.
And why do I have the feeling that you won money due to this type of ignorance, and this is why you want to keep it like that...