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JS or JR ?

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From: Lucifer

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202181.10 in reply to 202181.8
Date: 11/11/2011 10:29:41 AM
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I'd maybe want to train OD right now cuz OD is one of the stats that takes time to pop, and as your player gets older popping becomes increasingly difficult. OD is one of the main skills for a guard and as your trainees are already 19 I'd say train OD first for a few weeks.


"Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it."
From: CrazyEye

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202181.11 in reply to 202181.8
Date: 11/11/2011 12:38:21 PM
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depends a bit, i think in generell JS would be better cause this should have priority for trainee 2 and 3, while JR have priority with trainee 1.

But you have three trainees, so maybe you focus first on the staff you can train on 1 position, and when your minutes are bad switch to two positions trainings. And maybe get 2-3 trainable player in 2-3 season and then make a lot of JS and 1 and 1.(these guys should have OD and Passing already)

From: Sibik

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202181.12 in reply to 202181.11
Date: 11/11/2011 1:24:56 PM
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So you say, that a 22 old player can pop in JS at decent speed ?