yeah, one week pressure, one week passing, one week outside shooting.
Rinse. Repeat.
From your earlier post I wasn't clear if you were gonna do 4 straight weeks of each, and then move onto the next.
Promoting a league when you know you'll drop back down may or may not be a good thing. With promotion you get a cash bonus, a season ticket holder boost, and a bonus to attendance for most of your first season. Plus the ticket demand is already better, and TV contracts are bigger. All good things.
But with relegation you'll have a prolonged penalty to attendance. And I believe that the loss of season ticket holders upon relegation is greater than the increase after promotion, so you're left with a net loss.
In all honestly, D4 is a good place to start training up your guys, you'll get more moeny than if you were in D5, but still have a good chance to stay in the league, compared to D3. It's also a lot easier to train your guys in non-ideal positions in D4.