I can think of a few nice ways of saying this.
Perhaps, you are right. But honestly I couldn't think of another way, so I tried to mask the blatancy with humor, which may have made it appear more cynical.
I wasn't demeaning LBJisaCancer's intelligence, in fact I am quite impressed by his knowledge of the game for only signing up 5 days ago. I remember when I first signed up, I was excited about it and just what to bounce ideas off of people to make sure what I understood from the manual was correct which a lot of the time had to be the Help Forum, because D.V forums are usually dead (which is no fun). Staying active in the Forums, especially league forums make the game immensely more fun.
The reason why the Forums have so much activity is because all of things here don't necessarily only one way to do things. It all comes down to personal opinion/preference. What is right for team A, won't always work for team B. When it comes to down to facts that you are not sure about, word it in a way that signifies you are unsure of what you are saying. When it comes down to your opinion on something, share it and tell people what you think. For Example: Bossofbosses thinks shot blocking is the greatest skill ever invented, but others might dissagree.
I do not claim to know all things. I have different opinions than alot of people when it comes to some things. Such as buying this guy
(11995270) Last edited by RamQ at 5/22/2012 3:13:34 PM