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Ideal JR for SF

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From: Big Dogs

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228815.10 in reply to 228815.9
Date: 10/24/2012 11:14:43 PM
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France and USA have nearly the same amount of users, so they are pretty similar.

Just because they have the same amount of users does not make them similar. It all depends on the strength of the D.IV leagues in both countries.

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228815.11 in reply to 228815.10
Date: 10/24/2012 11:22:57 PM
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The ideal amount of JR on a SF is the amount that you naturally get when you train JS. Prolly different for RnG SF but I think it's a mistake to train them (might as well build a LI SF, sell it, buy an RnG SF, and pocket the surplus cash). This is a separate issue but I don't believe in training JS on any player labeled SF (cost is huge), but it should be trained until the player is labeled SF.

This Post:
228815.12 in reply to 228815.8
Date: 10/24/2012 11:54:37 PM
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over time divisions will flux quite a bit.

Probably best to just go to the OP's schedule and look at what guys are posting in OD.

This Post:
228815.13 in reply to 228815.3
Date: 10/25/2012 7:02:51 AM
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I don't think JR is that important for a SF in LI tactic. If you want a SF for that tactic, I would rather train more driving and maybe some passing.

This Post:
228815.15 in reply to 228815.14
Date: 10/25/2012 12:08:11 PM
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I think that OD should be at least 12, because a lot of teams use SG type players in SF position.

This Post:
228815.18 in reply to 228815.16
Date: 10/25/2012 12:46:48 PM
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A guy with 11/8 10 OD and 10/10 IS/ID is already a very good SF for Div 4 or maybe even Div 3, imho.
But all of this depends on your tactic.

That level of SF can compete well in D3. He should dominate in D4. Probably more of a back up in D2.

I am surprised to hear current SF, like I stated previously, is pretty much exactly that with no skill lower than strong on everything else. He is by no means dominant in DIV and I suspected I would have to move him to back up in DIII or outright replace him.

Maybe my DIV is just extra tough and DIII won't be quite as bad depending. I know IV.32 was known to be one of the toughest the last few years.

I will back off my stance slightly from OD 12 on opponents, but would not assume lower than 11 OD. 12/9 JS/JR would be rather nice in a base offense for DIV USA. Of course a touch less JR for look inside and a touch more for run n gun, but the OP asked about a Base Offense SF.

This Post:
228815.20 in reply to 228815.1
Date: 10/26/2012 5:27:24 PM
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There is simple rule which is answer for Your question.
If default position of Your player is PG or SG then JR shouldn't be trained (it's probably too high, sometimes it's almost perfect).
If default position of Your player is SF (or PF or C) then JR should be trained as long as default position will change to SG or PG.
In other words ideal JR for SF (and PF and C as well) is on level, in which next training will change default position to PG or SG.
You can use salary calculator to test different options.
