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Suggestions > Player/Team Chemistry

Player/Team Chemistry

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261282.10 in reply to 261282.4
Date: 7/26/2014 7:32:39 PM
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Unfortunately, if it's hidden there's no effect on the transfer market or the way people build teams. Even if it was made known that a hidden effect such as this exists, I think too many known hidden attributes makes the game too confusing for newer users to get into and casual users to stay interested in. The only thing that will happen is that teams that keep players long-term will get the benefit of "lucky wins" slightly more often than others.

I think one of the more important parts of my suggestion is that it be visible to the users; even if it impacts little in the games I think it would be something that helps people connect with their simulated players better and keeps them interested longer.

I will admit that the length of time they've been with your team and the stats they put up their entire career can be found by searching several menus and submenus under the player bios, but I think a dedicated screen devoted to the time spent on your team would be a great thing.

The fact that the effect would go beyond just aesthetics and actually impact the game action would make teambuilding that much more fun.

Last edited by aamcguy at 7/26/2014 7:35:26 PM

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261282.11 in reply to 261282.10
Date: 7/26/2014 9:35:37 PM
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i definately agree that there should be some more 'tangible' benefit that users are able to notice. For instance, if its really obvious that the merchandise goes up considerably when ur team structure doesn't change, then thats a tangible visible benefit.

the current transfer price estimate says how long a player has been on ur team for. (Unless you drafted him in which case it won't say how many days. ) So that kinda resolves that problem for you.

But obviously the suggestion is about player/team chemistry - which we are not sure exists yet. and assuming it doesn't, obviously it still stands that the more guys you have on your team, for longer, then the bigger the team benefit. which i agree with.

Last edited by Coach Regan at 7/26/2014 9:35:51 PM

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261282.12 in reply to 261282.11
Date: 7/26/2014 11:56:27 PM
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I support this idea unless their is already a hidden 'chemistry' value.

From: abu

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261282.13 in reply to 261282.9
Date: 7/31/2014 12:17:11 AM
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great idea , hope BB think of a way to reward loyalty to team.

i dont know how BB implements it, but i just hope something happens along this line

From: HAHA

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261282.14 in reply to 261282.6
Date: 10/2/2014 1:46:22 AM
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Loyalty is a good idea ...

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261282.15 in reply to 261282.1
Date: 10/3/2014 7:34:38 AM
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good idea ... it will give only minor advantage for managers that are making there own players, but still good to stimulate those who decided to play this game on the hard way ... and it adds realism to the game (y)

Last edited by MirzaBole at 10/3/2014 7:47:14 AM

From: aamcguy
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261282.16 in reply to 261282.15
Date: 10/6/2014 5:54:41 PM
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I would like to clarify that in proposing this I am fishing for a very specific kind of benefit. There already exist economic benefits for holding on to players. Merchandise revenues go up if you're not swapping players out regularly, and when you sell players you get almost full value for them.

However, what I'm hoping for is a visible bonus that has an effect, even a small one, on the outcome of league games.

I don't think day traders need to be further penalized; they already have to work through a lot of effort. I would just like a small bonus for continuity: and this is one that makes sense in real life.

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261282.17 in reply to 261282.11
Date: 12/31/2016 11:34:42 AM
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I like this idea.