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One on One Guards vs Forwards

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268070.11 in reply to 268070.10
Date: 3/3/2015 9:40:38 AM
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The OD/ID pops I received whilst training Driving must have been as a result of the elastic effect then

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268070.12 in reply to 268070.11
Date: 3/3/2015 10:25:06 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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The effect that you're probably referring to is cross-training, which causes a % of training to be attributed to a random unrelated skill. The elastic effect causes certain skills to train slower or faster depending on another skill and the respective levels of the trained and the elastic skill.

From: Phyr
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268070.13 in reply to 268070.11
Date: 3/3/2015 4:27:46 PM
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James what you ate describing is cross training not the elastic effect.

The big difference between the two is that guards trains more dr than ha for short players and more js. Forwards gives is but an equal amount of ha and dr. If limiting ha is important to you, I would train 1v1G and use js-f or is-c ro put is on your guard.

From: Jamesc1
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268070.15 in reply to 268070.14
Date: 3/4/2015 10:43:45 AM
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ah ok thanks for clearing that up

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268070.16 in reply to 268070.7
Date: 3/10/2015 9:59:46 AM
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I have trained guards before but haven't really tried big men. To increase JS, how can JS training be slower than 1on1 if both are 2 position training? If I am understanding you correctly you are suggesting the height penalty makes it slower.

Maybe the other guys can give an opinion about this. For (JS) training small guys, what I usually do is train jump range 1 position at sg then alternate jump shot, but i have mostly trained guards and forwards not really big guys. Cross training is capped at 10% every week. So we are only training 90% instead of the full 100%. Let us not confuse the other skills that are being sub trained as a result of training the main skill.

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268070.17 in reply to 268070.16
Date: 3/10/2015 10:12:55 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I was just stating what the data from the USA offsite is showing, which is based on a pretty large sample size. I don't really have a logic behind it, but appearantly it's true. In any case, if you are training JS on bigs and are willing to train out of position for it, I suggest using 1v1 guards over JS guards since bigs can use the extra DR/HA from the 1v1 training. Only exception is if you really want a little JR instead of the sizable DR/HA, then you could train JS guards for your bigs.

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268070.18 in reply to 268070.17
Date: 3/10/2015 10:25:13 AM
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Ill keep it in mind - thanks, JS is over rated anyways (haha) just a different approach to it. Best of luck to u