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Draft potential

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268426.10 in reply to 268426.6
Date: 3/24/2015 4:09:14 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
Overall Posts Rated:
In your words : Will it be possible to get a 3/5 player?

It's certainly possible, but I don't think there's data to show that it's as likely for a 3ball star rating player to turn out to have 5 potential after interview as for a 5ball star rating player, since that's the information you're looking for.

If you ask me, I'd think there's a slightly higher chance for a higher star rating player to have high potential, but that's just from personal experience and gut feeling.

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268426.11 in reply to 268426.10
Date: 3/24/2015 6:18:53 AM
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Thanks for all your answers!

I might spend some of my points thsi monday on the players with 1 to 3 balls just to see if I can get potential ratings that are higher.

I learned that it's possible to save points to the following season (if I understand correct), so that's an important lesson. I did not know that.

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268426.12 in reply to 268426.11
Date: 3/24/2015 6:49:46 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Points can indeed be saved through following seasons.

Be aware that potential means less if the starting skills are lower, because you are unlikely to fulfill the MVP potential of a 1 ball star rating player. I generally don't find it worth it to interview 2 or 1 ball star rating players, and usually I skip the 3 stars too.

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268426.14 in reply to 268426.12
Date: 3/24/2015 8:04:13 AM
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Points can indeed be saved through following seasons.

Be aware that potential means less if the starting skills are lower, because you are unlikely to fulfill the MVP potential of a 1 ball star rating player. I generally don't find it worth it to interview 2 or 1 ball star rating players, and usually I skip the 3 stars too.

Very true. Good observation.
I'll start by interviewing the 7 4-ball players I've got after the Group demonstration and Scouting combine. I got 8 5-ball players who have all been interviewed.