I watched a walkover game i had in utopia on Saturday, and my entire team fouled out. but 2 of the guys were still playing with 6 fouls, this is totally bugged and should not be a viable way of determining the outcome of the game. For my training minutes I received 41 for the starters and 2 for the backups, so the game was only 43 minutes long, where did the other 5 minutes go?
Im playing a team of Lucky Fans and my team commits fouls like its NBA STREET? If a manager doesnt set a lineup simply let them field a team of lucky fans or force grab players from the roster, If noone is on the roster then fill the roster with random bot players each game, Allowing other people to effect my training outcomes is absolutely ridiculous. Having a walkover should not hurt the person actually fielding a lineup at all, and currently it does and that needs to change.