hopefully that will change with the alleged new draft improvements from next season on. investing in the draft is currently the third best way to waste money, behind only hiring a lvl6+ coach and building 20k+arenas.
there hasn't been much specifications over the draft improvement. If it's in general skills (as in top rookies are still the same, but the garbage gets a significant improvement, which means that there could be more than 1 or 2 gems in a single draft) then yes, the price might come down a bitt.
however, if the overall skills of all players go up by let's say an average of 6 TSP, then i feel sorry for the guy's who had good draft this season. If the draft indeed is better next season, with better players, then managers will spend even more for the top rookies. This because they'll have a shot at overtaking the rookies drafted at the end of season 36. To be fair, i feel sorry for the teams who drafted decent players with the last seasons draft, cause if the next generation are improved, then they basically have been cheated out of getting a top notch prospect!
Hence, anyone who sold their 'top rookies' probably got premium cash for it.
And i don't consider spending cash on drafting a waste. If you reach age and skillset, then you interview the couple of good 18y olds and you can find the top potential players.
60 points (10 for the ages and length, along with 5x10 for all the skills) lets you know exactly what skill you are drafting. then add another 20 points for the interview of the top 10 prospects and you will have netted a top lvl prospect if there was one in your draft.
that means 80 points should net you the best available option. considering we hhave 14 weeks per season, you can get 56 draft points from 1 season ( 40k a week). Now i'm sure you don't need to invest in the draft each season right? So put it down for 10k for 2 points per week for 3 seasons and you'll have 78 points ==> enough to find 1 great player every 3 seasons (that is if you have secured the top draft spot ofcourse). And that great player will only cost you 420k (3*14*10k), which by my estimates is a joke, considering the amount of 1.5M or higher prices rookies that get sold
concerning the topic, as the question was if a max spending cap was implemented: that would hurt almost everyone.
I'll quickly explain why:
Say you are a team in III or II. the players who start in III are generally the back up players for the teams in II. teams in II have 2 stars and the rest would be back up material for the top division teams. Now if you implement a spending cap, the top division teams won't want to splash out cash anymore. They'll want to use a maximum for their new starters. the leftovers, would be used for the back up players, who generally are provided by teams from II,III or IV. Since they have less cash, the prices of those B- & C- tiers players get pushed down.
==> the cash remains with the top teams, and lower division teams get less cash, meaning they'll have an even harder time catching up to the big boys.
What can the top tear teams spend their cash on?
*) on scouting points. But hey, they are already in the top division. doesn't seem likely they'll need those points any time soon.
*) on staff (pushing prices for trainers, PR and doctor up even more). means the lower teams will once again have a harder time accessing the good trainers to train their players or fill their arena's.
*) on arena expansion. but they already have 20k+ arena's, so why bother?
*) on players with larger salaries, but that means that they'll be even stronger.
see next post for part 2 ;)