I wasn't implying that all teams that played together for more seasons are always successful,
Sorry, but yes you are.. From a Buzzerbeater perspective you are..
Sorry, but you clearly cut out the part of my post where I said there are outliers here and there and insisted that this is my point which is not.
Sure the pacers are playing well but if the same group played for 3 or 4 more seasons would they be worse than where they are now?
We are not on a Nba.com/forum ;)
Yet here you are going all on talking about the Pacers. ;)
We have a different understanding of team-chemistry
Let's leave it at that.
The problem is you cant have it both ways in BB, you either award it ingame or not...
Im talking about the Pacers to only show you chemistry is obviously there, you dont need to be together for a longer period of time..
You are talking about the nba, show the good part of teams sticking together ( you dont talk about the gazillion reasons why sticking together with the same players over and over is tricky...) and you want that part of chemistry teams into buzzerbeater.
You want BB to tell the managers to stick with the same team even more, to do nothing really and get rewarded basicly for doing nothing and make the playermarket even more crippled..
Have you noticed the insane prices for players, the amount of managers bidding on the same players compared to seasons ago.
BB really needs more players on the TL. With less insane asking prices.. If we need something to change, it would be the mindset to be active more with your squad, not less..... People are putting on insane askingprices, hoping managers will bite.. And most of the time the managers who pay those insane prices are the managers who sit on there hands for months ( who get awarded with your suggestion) and suddenly want to buy a player for 150% of the marketvalue.
Therefore im saying, you are not on nba.com/forum. Your suggestion sounds nice, but it would not help the game... It would not stimulate a manager to be active and most managers are doing nothing already.. That should be your startingpoint in the discussion here.
And teams already get rewarded for sticking with there trainees via taxes, players Newly bought are getting a hit in game shape.
I would suggest to get a boost in chemistry for buying a player (maybe sell 1 too) once a season or so that has at least 80% of the average TSP of the team. This will boost the managers and market to be more active. This will stimulate to ask less for your player because you want to sell/buy..
New players arent a bad thing. They can be yes. But your suggestion makes them..
Last edited by Maupster at 12/8/2017 4:19:07 AM