- I've never said that they used 2 bigs, just that they managed to win a WC playing 32 with THAT defensive dude
32 was always strong but nowadays more, it's like the first time in at least 30? seasons that both teams in the finals played 32 zone... especially with the defensive bigs and guards with high JS-JR-OD-DR-IS that we have now
- irrelevant to the conversation, i've never said that they won because of anything else.. the conversation is about the 32 + sb bigs being a bit too.... meta
- isn't THE solution, and i agree with you, but could be a "quick" solution for the time being, or, to the very least it can be a matter of discussion. Do we believe that this is a problem? What suggestions do you have in mind to combat this problem? What would happen if we were to put into action these solutions? Would they create more problems? Or would they partially fix some? etc etc etc
- Dude.... I know and understand that English isn't your first language but i even said that 8-20-20-20 isn't a
max build as you said, since you can find with "ease" players with more ID and SB and RB 19
So why would i then say that a 8-20-20-20 guy is impossible?!
Exactly.... I'm keeping the order of the skills.... so when i write 8-20-20-20 i mean a defensive guy with IS8, ID20, RB20, SB20.... and when i write 20-20-20-8 i mean a guy with is20, id20, rb20 and sb8
i think the bigger problem in this game is to players is too much effective on unnatural position like gurds on C,PF and similar forwards on PG, SG and this is real problem
Ok, fair, but don't you think that by lowering the cost of IS on bigs you'd partially fix this issue?
Obviously you'd have to compensate by making something like OD more expensive, and maybe IS on guards more expensive etc