Incorrect. Japan could never be a part of this "international league". Japan has always a full league always active. I'm talking about Lebanon, Malta, Pakistan. Plus, some others that might have slipped me since I'm certain these are not the only ones. No actual difference between the teams in these countries. But, I agree with the 10 new teams argument but that isn't different from any other league and as I said, there would be a consolidation period. As there were, for all other leagues. That's why, the approval of all the teams in question would be necessary. If they don't accept it, just do it for the countries not yet official. Easy. All new teams, no problem in there. It would be just a league in it's beginning, nothing out of the ordinary there.
And in my opinion, competition leads teams to get good. Lack of competition, leads to stagnation. No need to improve your team to win, no change. And that's the true difference between any other league and these particular leagues.
Does this answer pleases you more? Because, two other people said the same to you. Instead of replying, you decided to make assumptions about my ego.
Last edited by the L train at 5/19/2009 8:28:13 PM