What is the max. age for a rookie? I think I'll be in the market for some fresh young meat soon as training 24yo's is like watching paint dry.My current youngest guy is 22... can I classify him as a rookie?Jump Shot: prominent Jump Range: strong Outside Def.: respectable Handling: strong Driving: prolific Passing: average Inside Shot: marvellous Inside Def.: tremendous Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: respectable Stamina: inept Free Throw: pitiful Experience: awful He should pop in OD this week and JS next week then Im at a crossroads. Originally I thought Id train him up to Sensational OD but it really will take a long long time. He will get RB training in the future (once ive bought 2 new trainees). Do I stick to my original plan?Im looking for contrary opinions and reasons against training OD (if there is any). If you could allocate 10 more skill ups to him over 2 seasons what would you give him and why?