I'm not sure why everyone is obsessed with the draft. Sure if you get a monster prospect you can either make a bunch of cash selling on the TL or train him up yourself to whatever level you like, and it's always kind of nice to train players that you actually drafted,
Stopping you mid-sentence to remind you that there are merchandising implications that surround players that you draft as opposed to those you buy, even if they're from the same country. So it isn't just "kind of nice," it can have a huge economic impact. Continue:
... but the draft is still largely about luck (even in the real NBA draft). And if you know a players salary and suggested position you should have a pretty decent idea of their skill distribution.
OK so you know more about the draft than I do, obviously. Help me out. I have a 5* guy who is listed as a C. Tell me his skill distribution. In fact, I won't even ask you to list all of his skills. Just tell me what his Jump Shot and Passing skills look like, and whether or not I should draft him based on that.
But the point is that good prospects are always available on the TL. If you don't believe me just wait until a few weeks after the draft then search for 19 y/o with 5000+ salary. you can usually buy one for 10-50k. You can turn that player into a very good DIV player or a decent DIII player in a couple of seasons training.
Contrary to popular belief, BB doesn't stop at div IV (or even III). I could give a shit what would make teams in those divisions happy in regards to my draft picks, because I'm not trying to play in those divisions. I'm trying to survive my own division and make another run at the NBBA (spoiler alert: I'm not trying that hard, am I). If the draft is designed to keep folks dominating IV forever, then it must be perfect. That is, until you promote to III, and have only "decent DIII players" and your opponents have
great DIII players.
But just because you don't score big in the draft doesn't mean you have no prospects available to you.
I never score big in the draft. {{Here's a bunch of irrelevant crap, feel free to skip: Since I got my team in Season 2, I've drafted 11th, 15th, 14th, 14th, 16th, 1st (drafted this kid, if you're keeping score:
(7923262)), 11th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 15th & 15th. I've picked lower than 11th once.}}
If draftees were not tied to merchandising, it wouldn't make any difference to me. As it stands, I do care. If you bother to check my roster, I currently have seven guys on my payroll that I've drafted. Half of my team is former draft picks.
Two of them play for me in games that matter; the rest of them are crap, I assure you. Those other 5 would not be on my team if they didn't come out of a draft, and further, wouldn't be there if draftees weren't tied into merchandising.
Please don't try to tell me how to use the transfer list. I can find overpriced 19yos without any help, thank you.
I'll just use this space here to apologize if I'm coming off as mean, as I'm pretty drunk right now. Oh, and if I haven't said so anywhere else, Garth Brooks can kiss my balls.