Here, I'll take the opportunity to state for the second time how I love this idea that is BuzzerBeta ! It's great news, we are promised new features every now and then and we will test them. It sounds great.
I can't understand all the fuss with the roles. Don't use them if you don't like them. It's not required for your gameplay. Ignore it. It harms none. It does nothing. It's just there for those who think it's fun.
Oh but please continue the criticism, some of the arguments used have so much bad faith in them, it's a sunshine in my cloudy and snowy sky. Thank you BB-managers :)
Devs, you know those who like it won't come and say it, well most of them... People complain, people are conservative, especially the older members ;p People want change and when change comes, they cry foul, they feel unsecure ;p
Keep the new features coming ! We all need a big kick in the ass !
Now to balance things out, I'll come back next week and whine a bit too (on my coach certainly, I hate him, I have always hated him).