I'm glad your 7 vs 8(you) game didn't see a drop off in attendance, after you won your promotion last season.
(49427723) Compare that with the rest of your attendance for this season, I don't see a 6% drop. But then again, you were 8th, not 4th. I mean, do you think I would be making this up? Yes. I priced my tickets high, I wasn't planning on selling out. I just wanted to make sure, the most bang for my buck.
Lets agree. We both won our leagues last season, right?
Your rank, your attendance your opponents rank
8, 19246, 2
8, 19216, 7
6, 19201, 3
6, 19172, 1
Yours hasn't really deviated much, no?
Now look at mine.
0, 6025, 0
3, 10486, 1
5, 9471, 1
4, 8744, 7
Where is your drop off for playing number 7?