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Same training bug?!

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198437.105 in reply to 198437.104
Date: 10/25/2011 5:31:38 AM
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I apologize if I came out too aggressive in my last reply, but really, your I-don't-see-how-your-post-justifies-an-answer-but-here's-one-anyway post wasn't too friendly either :-) Don't you agree?
Anyway, what I was originally referring to is the line where you say the following:
... And now you can still say that the update was wrong and if you're lucky one of the BB's will check exactly your case but I'll bet that the calculation will be correct...

Well, of course they will say that everything is fine. Why would anyone cut the branch on which they're sitting :-) But the thing is everything is not fine; just go to bug forum and see how many complaints are there. Even if 99% of them were completely unreasonable and just plain wrong, which I doubt is the case, there would still be dozens and dozens of perfectly reasonable and justifiable complaints. Now, out of those, how many times BB came forward to admit that mistake might have happened on their end? Well, I'll tell you - very few times. Unless the bug is so big that there is absolutely no way to hide it, they will not come forward and admit anything, and you know that. Everyone knows that; there is no need to play dumb :)
In example, numerous times my line-up would be messed up, and guess what? No one ever responded to me with "yes, that is our fault and we apologize for that; let us see what we can do to compensate you for your loss." No, sir; the only response I would ever get is "nope. Not our fault. You must have set it up wrong." And not to get me wrong, this is just one example. As I said, just go to the bug forum and you'll see how many different things went wrong with this game over the time.
Also, in that first post of mine, I asked you about recent game delays, but you just skipped that part. For "some" reason, you find it more appropriate to question my "reading skills" than to elaborate on why people can't watch their semis. To me that is an attack, but don't worry, I'm not offended. Yet :-)

But, the bottom line is, I don't wanna argue over this. I said what I had, and that is it; I'm not interested into further polemic. Someone just closed the other thread I was participating in, and I just can't afford to be accused for yet another closing :)

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198437.106 in reply to 198437.105
Date: 10/25/2011 5:59:33 AM
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Ok true, sorry for those lines.

Everyone knows that the lineups can be messed up due to the website. I can't recall any officials claiming that this part is bug-free but I don't read every post here

Regarding game delays, I just found that to be a rhetoric question not actually expecting an answer. Well, those delays suck, of course, I haven't seen any official say that they're fine with the current situation or that they don't see the mistake on their side...

We have both said a lot of things that you are going to regret.
This Post:
198437.107 in reply to 198437.105
Date: 10/25/2011 3:02:29 PM
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Someone just closed the other thread I was participating in, and I just can't afford to be accused for yet another closing

I closed it because insults started flying around; your posts weren't the direct reasons (they were indirect however). Your posts are a bit provocative and sometimes they stray needlessly from subject on hand to something you could continue over private messages. If you find the target that grabs the "opportunity" you presented to them...then the threads close

Last edited by Koperboy at 10/25/2011 3:02:48 PM

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198437.108 in reply to 198437.107
Date: 10/28/2011 3:40:38 AM
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I appreciate your fairness. I know my posts can be a bit too provocative from time to time, and I certainly do imply a lot of things, which I think is what irritates some people because they don't really know how to respond to some of the things said :) but I think that I'm overall pretty respectable of others and pretty reasonable, too. If someone can prove to me, in a civil and calm manner, that I'm wrong in my assumptions, I have no problem admitting so. However, until that happens, I will defend my stand point. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Speaking of that thread you closed, if we're to exclude my very first post there in which I was clearly upset, and perhaps not at my best judgement, I don't think there was anything wrong with what I said there. I nicely explained why I was so upset in that first post, and then, why I thought that post I was replying to was being unfair toward me and the rest of the community that shares my opinion. Of course, that guy took it personally, and then that was the end of it :) I'm not even gonna mention that other guy who joined the conversation immediately after. He was there clearly only to argue.
Either way, thank you for acknowledging that it was not all my fault :)

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198437.109 in reply to 198437.108
Date: 10/28/2011 3:43:08 AM
Aussie Pride
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No training again this week :(

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198437.110 in reply to 198437.109
Date: 10/28/2011 3:55:35 AM
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This is getting on my nerves....Getting something right 3 out of 4 times(last Month only last weeks training was on time) would get somebody fired in the real world but I guess BB is different. What really sucks is that training will be pushed back an hour next week due to Daylight savings time, so I guess I will have to wait to 5:40 pm to see that the training hasn't updated yet...

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198437.111 in reply to 198437.110
Date: 10/28/2011 5:06:03 AM
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Lets do it again... :D

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198437.113 in reply to 198437.112
Date: 10/28/2011 5:31:47 AM
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In Greece for one more week we don't have training on time!!!

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198437.114 in reply to 198437.113
Date: 10/28/2011 5:36:36 AM
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Training is currently running, as best we can tell correctly, and as quickly as it can given collisions with other parts of the processing. At the moment, this means approximately 55 minutes behind the earliest time it is allowed to process. It will continue processing in order until it is complete, and of course we're looking into ways to speed it up.

The current answer seems to be that the only way to speed it up successfully is to shut down the ability for teams to bid on transfer-listed players for a few hours during training, and we've been trying to find workarounds for this. We've decided that training running slowly is a better solution until we find a way to allow both.


We have both said a lot of things that you are going to regret.
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198437.115 in reply to 198437.113
Date: 10/28/2011 5:39:19 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
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Guess the situation is global as global warming is. we'll just have to wait 'till everything cools down.
