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Growing BB (Referrals)

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From: the end2

To: _Az_
This Post:
67615.105 in reply to 67615.104
Date: 2/6/2009 5:54:19 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
so first gm who thinks im telling about zone 51 or whatever

we play a team sport on virtual sense but the training ( clearly the only way to improve his team and the engine of tactics definition)) is overated on individual focus

like azariel said the dynamic of opponents or ours is easy to read

as a competion game, you have a part of a team who still stay at a level or almost same and the other s growing up(quickly if u don t train more than 2 players and easier to read)

surprises comes with a transfert more than a switch on training by the time
this associated to ,despite some adjustments begining season 6, a partition on only(yes speed but it is not mainly sgnificant) three fields(outside neutral inside) which are freezing the game on a too simple vison of basketball and coach jobs,
vision of players about game s involving, sweating but freezed in a way to play

bb makes some simulation about nba games and seems proud to be closed to the final score
so stop arguing game balance makes it far from reality
(wasnt the goal about a such demonstration? lakers celtics a 25 december on a international media)

does kobe shoot one week?and bynum gets the other week to train inside shot?

are bb serious? the idea that u train a small part of a team to sell some and get others make it poor,not helped by a game tactics a bit poor.
morever,that put trading on a too important part to balance

fix all this plz and think about individual orders at a few degree,
a diversity of tactics or clearly a game book with 2 3 4 tactics and % to set on,keeping on it urs adjustements about on if u can,
its just an idea,more sport at his true level(o rclose) ,less economics enjoying

From: CitB
This Post:
67615.106 in reply to 67615.105
Date: 2/7/2009 8:46:13 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
is there an link or an banner for referals?
or only through e-mail?

From: _Az_

This Post:
67615.107 in reply to 67615.106
Date: 2/8/2009 4:37:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Me again with another suggestion :p

change the cheater report page to be like the forum : a message of 4000 words max please !

For now, it's almost impossible to report teams that are related to other

thanks :p

edit : just understood how it works :/
1st the teamID and after you have the possibility to write a message ... didn't understand the 1st time :(

my apology

Last edited by _Az_ at 2/8/2009 11:50:53 AM