First, your training simulator is fantastic, thank you for all the work you put into it.
Second, I have a question about it if you or another user could help me.
I'm using V2.6S25
From the spreadsheet:
'Although you can see past training, the simulator ignores all training before today's date. For this sheet to work properly you must update the “Player Input” sheet after each BB Training update (Friday). Leave Regimen blank for Team Training (ST, FT, GS), since the TS ignores those skills.'
On the 'Player Input' section, I used 'Set Your Lineup Option'.
Everything was working fine. After week 1, I had one player jump in JS.
So I went to player input and manually put in his new JS rating on Saturday.
The problem is everyone who trained in JS that week had their training calculator values reset to their original whole number value prior to training in week 1.
Example: The calculator had one player increasing from 6.0 to 6.31. After entering the data from another player who increased in value to 9, the other player now reads 6.0 and similar for other players as it was 2 position training.
What's probably happening is that since the training occurred on Friday, if you didn't update your players with the sublevels calculated for that pop, it's no longer processing that. The way I generally do this is to change the date for week one of the first season back a couple of days so that the training results are updated again, and then copy the updated values in the training results section into the player input sheet's "do-it yourself" option, fix the data for early pops or predicted pops that didn't come, and then change the date back on the training calculator sheet.