OK...I think I have an answer for you.....
Great Japanese players coming up for sale in the next 2 weeks...
1st.....From Baikinman coming in the bin on either Oct.29th or Nov.5th(has to be a Monday.
(21305593)...very good. cream of the crop
(19825113)..could be good
Honda...P.A Star..23..
(19825316)..could be good
From Yoks...
Kanausuku ..MVP..22....
(21305657)..had a good base for a SF
On the U-21...
(25318371)..will be on the U-21 next season
he needs some love..already has a decent big base...his team will BOT the same day as YOKs and Baikinman.
Nakamura...Super...18....the only player I saved....will be in the bin the same day as the rest.
So there you have it...It seems they broke up a Japanese Farm team ring all in the same week(9/17-22)
lot's of good player coming off. If I were you..I would go for one of the 22 yr old MVPs or take a shot on one of the young boys.