Hey....a ball for the both of you!!
Well, I hear what you are saying and you made some great points.
How much money can you get for those players against the money you spend training them?
Well, IF you can get a player on the NT/U-21, you can get some nice merchandise from those players.
So I always make sure that my Trainer's salary is less than my merchandise. and I always take the sum of my Arena gate and TV money and never take my teams salaries above that. This way, Cup money is the money I bank.
I bet this formula would work in lower divisions.
I think you dont understand how hard is to progress in a big country and how difficult is to make the economy work.
Well, I don't because I live in a smaller BB nation. But on the other hand. I got thrown in the top DIV. with way better teams, so my 1st 5 seasons were try to build my arena, train, without dropping.
And what some people don't remember was that when I started in the middle of season 7, TV contracts were only 50K...so even know I didn't start in DivII, I wasn't making money and getting killed every game. Not like now when new teams come in to the top DIV. and get 200K for TV contracts.
(PS. TV contracts changed to their now sums for season 10 after the cap on the arena was announced)
My ConclusionIf a team is lucky enough to get a HOF, ATG or even a MVP with good starting skills. These are very rare, and gettin a Homegrown high POT. player that you drafted doesn't happen very often.
look at me..I finally got a HOF player in the draft last season after 16 seasons of crappy draft picks, even know he is 19...I don't care...he is my draftee.
I think that it IS worth it to buy a high level trainer and see how good you can make him. If you have to lower your team salary to do it....hey...I would..HOF homegrown draftees don't grow on trees, why not splurge a little when you do get one.